
EpubBook is a epub generator which wrap EeePub, handle internal book by nokkogiri, you can create epub book from internal book in shell and send the generated epub book to your email.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'epub_book'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install epub_book


create book

  EpubBook.create_book(book_url,bookname, des_url) do |book|
    book.cover_css = '.pic_txt_list .pic img'
    book.description_css = '.box p.description'
    book.title_css = '.pic_txt_list h3 span'
    book.index_item_css = 'ul.list li.c3 a'
    book.body_css = '.wrapper #content'
    book.creator = 'javy_liu'
    book.path  = '/tmp'
    book.ext_name  = 'txt'

use Setting

  #default setting, this setting is prior the default_setting.yml
  EpubBook.configure do |config|
    #if not set,it will use `pwd`/default_setting.yml
    config.setting_file = "./default_setting.yml"
    #you can set following setting in default_setting.yml
    config.mail_address = 'smtp.example.com'
    config.mail_user_name = 'ex@example.com'
    config.mail_password = 'password'
    config.mail_from = 'yourmail@example.com'
    config.ext_name = 'epub'

Or use a ./default_setting.yml file have following content

    mail_from: smpt_from@example.com
    mail_subject: mail subject 
    mail_body: 'your content '
    mail_address: smtp.example.com
    mail_port: 25
    mail_user_name: smpt_mail@example.com
    mail_password: smpt_pwd

  #default book setting
    limit: 10
    cover_css: '.pic_txt_list .pic img'
    description_css: '.box p.description'
    title_css: '.pic_txt_list h3 span'
    index_item_css: 'ul.list li.c3 a'
    body_css: '.wrapper #content'
    creator: 'user name'
    path: '/'
    mail_to: 'yourmail@example.com'
    ext_name: 'txt'

  #special host book setting(the key is book_url's host which replacing the dot with underline)
    cover_css: '#content td>table:not(.grid) img[src$=jpg]'
    description_css: '#content td>table:not(.grid) div:last-child > text()'
    title_css: '#content h1'
    index_item_css: '.centent a'
    body_css: 'body > text()'

    cover_css: ".content .list img.sayimg"
    description_css: ".content .list:contains(img) > text()"
    title_css: ".content .list .tit b:first"
    index_item_css: ".content .list ul li a"
    body_css: '#content p'

if you have setting file , you can create book like following

  EpubBook.create_book(book_url,bookname, des_url)

Parameter specification

  book_url(required): internal book index page url (this page may include the description or cover)
  bookname(optional): created book file name, if not set ,it will use the Base64.url_encode(book_url)[-10,-2] 
  des_url(optional): if the book cover and book description is not in book_url catalog,you can set this for the cover and description

Block parameter specification

    book.cover_css       #book cover image css path
    book.description_css #book description css path
    book.title_css       #book title css path
    book.index_item_css  #book catalog item  css path
    book.body_css        #book content css path
    book.creator         #epub creator
    book.path            #epub book save path
    book.mail_to         #if your want send by email when epub created, set this to your email
    book.ext_name        #can create epub or txt file

Perform create_book in your terminal

  create_book(book_catalog_link, bookname)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/epub_book. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.