
Persistence layer for Ruby domain objects in Elasticsearch, using the Repository and ActiveRecord patterns.

The library is compatible with Ruby 1.9.3 (or higher) and Elasticsearch 1.0 (or higher).


Install the package from Rubygems:

gem install elasticsearch-persistence

To use an unreleased version, either add it to your Gemfile for Bundler:

gem 'elasticsearch-persistence', git: 'git://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails.git'

or install it from a source code checkout:

git clone https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails.git
cd elasticsearch-rails/elasticsearch-persistence
bundle install
rake install


The Repository Pattern

The Elasticsearch::Persistence::Repository module provides an implementation of the repository pattern and allows to save, delete, find and search objects stored in Elasticsearch, as well as configure mappings and settings for the index.

Let's have a simple plain old Ruby object (PORO):

class Note
  attr_reader :attributes

  def initialize(attributes={})
    @attributes = attributes

  def to_hash

Let's create a default, "dumb" repository, as a first step:

require 'elasticsearch/persistence'
repository = Elasticsearch::Persistence::Repository.new

We can save a Note instance into the repository...

note = Note.new id: 1, text: 'Test'

# PUT http://localhost:9200/repository/note/1 [status:201, request:0.210s, query:n/a]
# > {"id":1,"text":"Test"}
# < {"_index":"repository","_type":"note","_id":"1","_version":1,"created":true}

...find it...

n = repository.find(1)
# GET http://localhost:9200/repository/_all/1 [status:200, request:0.003s, query:n/a]
# < {"_index":"repository","_type":"note","_id":"1","_version":2,"found":true, "_source" : {"id":1,"text":"Test"}}
=> <Note:0x007fcbfc0c4980 @attributes={"id"=>1, "text"=>"Test"}>

...search for it...

repository.search(query: { match: { text: 'test' } }).first
# GET http://localhost:9200/repository/_search [status:200, request:0.005s, query:0.002s]
# > {"query":{"match":{"text":"test"}}}
# < {"took":2, ... "hits":{"total":1, ... "hits":[{ ... "_source" : {"id":1,"text":"Test"}}]}}
=> <Note:0x007fcbfc1c7b70 @attributes={"id"=>1, "text"=>"Test"}>

...or delete it:

# DELETE http://localhost:9200/repository/note/1 [status:200, request:0.014s, query:n/a]
# < {"found":true,"_index":"repository","_type":"note","_id":"1","_version":3}
=> {"found"=>true, "_index"=>"repository", "_type"=>"note", "_id"=>"1", "_version"=>2}

The repository module provides a number of features and facilities to configure and customize the behaviour:

  • Configuring the Elasticsearch client being used
  • Setting the index name, document type, and object class for deserialization
  • Composing mappings and settings for the index
  • Creating, deleting or refreshing the index
  • Finding or searching for documents
  • Providing access both to domain objects and hits for search results
  • Providing access to the Elasticsearch response for search results (aggregations, total, ...)
  • Defining the methods for serialization and deserialization

You can use the default repository class, or include the module in your own. Let's review it in detail.

The Default Class

For simple cases, you can use the default, bundled repository class, and configure/customize it:

repository = Elasticsearch::Persistence::Repository.new do
  # Configure the Elasticsearch client
  client Elasticsearch::Client.new url: ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_URL'], log: true

  # Set a custom index name
  index :my_notes

  # Set a custom document type
  type  :my_note

  # Specify the class to inicialize when deserializing documents
  klass Note

  # Configure the settings and mappings for the Elasticsearch index
  settings number_of_shards: 1 do
    mapping do
      indexes :text, analyzer: 'snowball'

  # Customize the serialization logic
  def serialize(document)
    super.merge(my_special_key: 'my_special_stuff')

  # Customize the de-serialization logic
  def deserialize(document)
    puts "# ***** CUSTOM DESERIALIZE LOGIC KICKING IN... *****"

The custom Elasticsearch client will be used now, with a custom index and type names, as well as the custom serialization and de-serialization logic.

We can create the index with the desired settings and mappings:

repository.create_index! force: true
# PUT http://localhost:9200/my_notes
# > {"settings":{"number_of_shards":1},"mappings":{ ... {"text":{"analyzer":"snowball","type":"string"}}}}}

Save the document with extra properties added by the serialize method:

# PUT http://localhost:9200/my_notes/my_note/1
# > {"id":1,"text":"Test","my_special_key":"my_special_stuff"}
{"_index"=>"my_notes", "_type"=>"my_note", "_id"=>"1", "_version"=>4, ... }

And deserialize it:

<Note:0x007f9bd782b7a0 @attributes={... "my_special_key"=>"my_special_stuff"}>

A Custom Class

In most cases, though, you'll want to use a custom class for the repository, so let's do that:

require 'base64'

class NoteRepository
  include Elasticsearch::Persistence::Repository

  def initialize(options={})
    index  options[:index] || 'notes'
    client Elasticsearch::Client.new url: options[:url], log: options[:log]

  klass Note

  settings number_of_shards: 1 do
    mapping do
      indexes :text,  analyzer: 'snowball'
      # Do not index images
      indexes :image, index: 'no'

  # Base64 encode the "image" field in the document
  def serialize(document)
    hash = document.to_hash.clone
    hash['image'] = Base64.encode64(hash['image']) if hash['image']

  # Base64 decode the "image" field in the document
  def deserialize(document)
    hash = document['_source']
    hash['image'] = Base64.decode64(hash['image']) if hash['image']
    klass.new hash

Include the Elasticsearch::Persistence::Repository module to add the repository methods into the class.

You can customize the repository in the familiar way, by calling the DSL-like methods.

You can implement a custom initializer for your repository, add complex logic in its class and instance methods -- in general, have all the freedom of a standard Ruby class.

repository = NoteRepository.new url: 'http://localhost:9200', log: true

# Configure the repository instance
repository.index = 'notes_development'
repository.client.transport.logger.formatter = proc { |s, d, p, m| "\e[2m# #{m}\n\e[0m" }

repository.create_index! force: true

note = Note.new 'id' => 1, 'text' => 'Document with image', 'image' => '... BINARY DATA ...'

# PUT http://localhost:9200/notes_development/note/1
# > {"id":1,"text":"Document with image","image":"Li4uIEJJTkFSWSBEQVRBIC4uLg==\n"}
puts repository.find(1).attributes['image']
# GET http://localhost:9200/notes_development/note/1
# < {... "_source" : { ... "image":"Li4uIEJJTkFSWSBEQVRBIC4uLg==\n"}}
# => ... BINARY DATA ...

Methods Provided by the Repository


The repository uses the standard Elasticsearch client, which is accessible with the client getter and setter methods:

repository.client = Elasticsearch::Client.new url: 'http://search.server.org'
repository.client.transport.logger = Logger.new(STDERR)

The index method specifies the Elasticsearch index to use for storage, lookup and search (when not set, the value is inferred from the repository class name):

repository.index = 'notes_development'

The type method specifies the Elasticsearch document type to use for storage, lookup and search (when not set, the value is inferred from the document class name, or _all is used):

repository.type = 'my_note'

The klass method specifies the Ruby class name to use when initializing objects from documents retrieved from the repository (when not set, the value is inferred from the document _type as fetched from Elasticsearch):

repository.klass = MyNote
Index Configuration

The settings and mappings methods, provided by the elasticsearch-model gem, allow to configure the index properties:

repository.settings number_of_shards: 1
# => {:number_of_shards=>1}

repository.mappings { indexes :title, analyzer: 'snowball' }
# => { :note => {:properties=> ... }}

The convenience methods create_index!, delete_index! and refresh_index! allow you to manage the index lifecycle.


The serialize and deserialize methods allow you to customize the serialization of the document when passing it to the storage, and the initialization procedure when loading it from the storage:

class NoteRepository
  def serialize(document)
    Hash[document.to_hash.map() { |k,v|  v.upcase! if k == :title; [k,v] }]
  def deserialize(document)
    MyNote.new ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(document['_source']).deep_symbolize_keys

The save method allows you to store a domain object in the repository:

note = Note.new id: 1, title: 'Quick Brown Fox'
# => {"_index"=>"notes_development", "_type"=>"my_note", "_id"=>"1", "_version"=>1, "created"=>true}

The update method allows you to perform a partial update of a document in the repository. Use either a partial document:

repository.update id: 1, title: 'UPDATED',  tags: []
# => {"_index"=>"notes_development", "_type"=>"note", "_id"=>"1", "_version"=>2}

Or a script (optionally with parameters):

repository.update 1, script: 'if (!ctx._source.tags.contains(t)) { ctx._source.tags += t }', params: { t: 'foo' }
# => {"_index"=>"notes_development", "_type"=>"note", "_id"=>"1", "_version"=>3}

The delete method allows to remove objects from the repository (pass either the object itself or its ID):


The find method allows to find one or many documents in the storage and returns them as deserialized Ruby objects:

repository.save Note.new(id: 2, title: 'Fast White Dog')

note = repository.find(1)
# => <MyNote ... QUICK BROWN FOX>

notes = repository.find(1, 2)
# => [<MyNote... QUICK BROWN FOX>, <MyNote ... FAST WHITE DOG>]

When the document with a specific ID isn't found, a nil is returned instead of the deserialized object:

notes = repository.find(1, 3, 2)
# => [<MyNote ...>, nil, <MyNote ...>]

Handle the missing objects in the application code, or call compact on the result.

The search method to retrieve objects from the repository by a query string or definition in the Elasticsearch DSL:

repository.search('fox or dog').to_a
# GET http://localhost:9200/notes_development/my_note/_search?q=fox
# => [<MyNote ... FOX ...>, <MyNote ... DOG ...>]

repository.search(query: { match: { title: 'fox dog' } }).to_a
# GET http://localhost:9200/notes_development/my_note/_search
# > {"query":{"match":{"title":"fox dog"}}}
# => [<MyNote ... FOX ...>, <MyNote ... DOG ...>]

The returned object is an instance of the Elasticsearch::Persistence::Repository::Response::Results class, which provides access to the results, the full returned response and hits.

results = repository.search(query: { match: { title: 'fox dog' } })

# Iterate over the objects
results.each do |note|
  puts "* #{note.attributes[:title]}"

# Iterate over the objects and hits
results.each_with_hit do |note, hit|
  puts "* #{note.attributes[:title]}, score: #{hit._score}"
# * QUICK BROWN FOX, score: 0.29930896
# * FAST WHITE DOG, score: 0.29930896

# Get total results
# => 2

# Access the raw response as a Hashie::Mash instance
# => 0

Example Application

An example Sinatra application is available in examples/notes/application.rb, and demonstrates a rich set of features:

  • How to create and configure a custom repository class
  • How to work with a plain Ruby class as the domain object
  • How to integrate the repository with a Sinatra application
  • How to write complex search definitions, including pagination, highlighting and aggregations
  • How to use search results in the application view

The ActiveRecord Pattern

The Elasticsearch::Persistence::Model module provides an implementation of the active record pattern, with a familiar interface for using Elasticsearch as a persistence layer in Ruby on Rails applications.

All the methods are documented with comprehensive examples in the source code, available also online at http://rubydoc.info/gems/elasticsearch-persistence/Elasticsearch/Persistence/Model.


To use the library in a Rails application, add it to your Gemfile with a require statement:

gem "elasticsearch-persistence", require: 'elasticsearch/persistence/model'

To use the library without Bundler, install it, and require the file:

gem install elasticsearch-persistence
# In your code
require 'elasticsearch/persistence/model'

Model Definition

The integration is implemented by including the module in a Ruby class. The model attribute definition support is implemented with the Virtus Rubygem, and the naming, validation, etc. features with the ActiveModel Rubygem.

class Article
  include Elasticsearch::Persistence::Model

  # Define a plain `title` attribute
  attribute :title,  String

  # Define an `author` attribute, with multiple analyzers for this field
  attribute :author, String, mapping: { fields: {
                               author: { type: 'string'},
                               raw:    { type: 'string', analyzer: 'keyword' }
                             } }

  # Define a `views` attribute, with default value
  attribute :views,  Integer, default: 0, mapping: { type: 'integer' }

  # Validate the presence of the `title` attribute
  validates :title, presence: true

  # Execute code after saving the model.
  after_save { puts "Successfuly saved: #{self}" }

Attribute validations work like for any other ActiveModel-compatible implementation:

article = Article.new                                                                                             # => #<Article { ... }>

# => false

# => ["Title can't be blank"]


We can create a new article in the database...

Article.create id: 1, title: 'Test', author: 'John'
# PUT http://localhost:9200/articles/article/1 [status:201, request:0.015s, query:n/a]

... and find it:

article = Article.find(1)
# => #<Article { ... }>

# => "articles"

# => "1"

# => "Test"

To update the model, either update the attribute and save the model:

article.title = 'Updated'

# => {"_index"=>"articles", "_type"=>"article", "_id"=>"1", "_version"=>2, "created"=>false}

... or use the update_attributes method:

article.update_attributes title: 'Test', author: 'Mary'
# => {"_index"=>"articles", "_type"=>"article", "_id"=>"1", "_version"=>3}

The implementation supports the familiar interface for updating model timestamps:

# => => { ... "_version"=>4}

... and numeric attributes:

# => 0

article.increment :views
# => 1

Any callbacks defined in the model will be triggered during the persistence operations:

# Successfuly saved: #<Article {...}>

The model also supports familiar find_in_batches and find_each methods to efficiently retrieve big collections of model instances, using the Elasticsearch's Scan API:

Article.find_each(_source_include: 'title') { |a| puts "===> #{a.title.upcase}" }
# GET http://localhost:9200/articles/article/_search?scroll=5m&search_type=scan&size=20
# GET http://localhost:9200/_search/scroll?scroll=5m&scroll_id=c2Nhb...
# ===> TEST
# GET http://localhost:9200/_search/scroll?scroll=5m&scroll_id=c2Nhb...
# => "c2Nhb..."

The model class provides a search method to retrieve model instances with a regular search definition, including highlighting, aggregations, etc:

results = Article.search query: { match: { title: 'test' } },
                         aggregations: {  authors: { terms: { field: 'author.raw' } } },
                         highlight: { fields: { title: {} } }

puts results.first.title
# Test

puts results.first.hit.highlight['title']
# <em>Test</em>

puts results.response.aggregations.authors.buckets.each { |b| puts "#{b['key']} : #{b['doc_count']}" }
# John : 1

Accessing the Repository Gateway

The integration with Elasticsearch is implemented by embedding the repository object in the model. You can access it through the gateway method:

# GET http://localhost:9200/ [status:200, request:0.011s, query:n/a]
# => {"status"=>200, "name"=>"Lightspeed", ...}

Rails Compatibility

The model instances are fully compatible with Rails' conventions and helpers:

url_for article
# => "http://localhost:3000/articles/1"

div_for article
# => '<div class="article" id="article_1"></div>'

... as well as form values for dates and times:

article = Article.new "title" => "Date", "published(1i)"=>"2014", "published(2i)"=>"1", "published(3i)"=>"1"

# => "2014-01-01"

The library provides a Rails ORM generator to facilitate building the application scaffolding:

rails generate scaffold Person name:String email:String birthday:Date --orm=elasticsearch

Example application

A fully working Ruby on Rails application can be generated with the following command:

rails new music --force --skip --skip-bundle --skip-active-record --template https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails/master/elasticsearch-persistence/examples/music/template.rb

The application demonstrates:

  • How to set up model attributes with custom mappings
  • How to define model relationships with Elasticsearch's parent/child
  • How to configure models to use a common index, and create the index with proper mappings
  • How to use Elasticsearch's completion suggester to drive auto-complete functionality
  • How to use Elasticsearch-persisted models in Rails' views and forms
  • How to write controller tests

The source files for the application are available in the examples/music folder.


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.

Copyright (c) 2014 Elasticsearch <http://www.elasticsearch.org>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.