Dynoscale Ruby

Simple yet efficient scaling agent for Ruby/Rails apps on Heroku. A better heroku autoscaling alternative.

Getting Started

  1. Add dynoscale to your app on Heroku: heroku addons:create dscale
  2. Add the agent Gem to your Gemfile: gem 'dynoscale_ruby'
  3. Run bundle: bundle install
  4. Profit! (Literally, this will save you money 😏

The environment variable DYNOSCALE_URL must be set in order for your application to communicate with Dynoscale Servers.


Gem Version

Non-Rails Rack Based Apps

In addition to the above steps, you will need to require 'dynoscale_ruby/middleware' and add the DynoscaleRuby::Middleware before the Rack::Runtime in your application.

Data Shared with Dynoscale

  • Dyno Name
  • Application Name
  • queue measurement data for web and worker dynos

Worker Adapter

In addition to Web scaling, Dynoscale collects data on Worker jobs too. At this time Sidekiq and Resque are currently supported.

Why use Dynoscale?

Some blog posts about why Dynoscale is a helpful tool.

Skip Dynoscale Agent

In review apps, staging or development environments, set the SKIP_DYNOSCALE_AGENT environment variable to disable the scaling agent on all web and worker processes.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Mjolnir-Software/dynoscale_ruby.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License