Module: Dradis::Plugins::Upload::Base

Extended by:
Defined in:


When you call provides :upload in your Engine, this module gets included. It provides two features:

a) an .uploaders() class method that by default responds with a single array item pointing to the engine’s parent. This will be used by the framework to locate the ::Importer object that does the upload heavy lifting.

If your plugin implements more than one uploader, each one would be contained in its own namespace, and you should overwrite the .uploaders() method to return an array of all these namespaces. See method definition for an example.

b) it adds a .meta() method to the engine’s parent module, containing the name, description and version of the add-on.

Again, if you implement more than one uploader, make sure you create a .meta() class-level method in each of your namespaces.

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: ClassMethods, NamespaceClassMethods