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Bhook is a static website generator that works off a git repo containing a markdown file based wiki, like for example, the India Startup Wiki.

Since you control the source markdown, Bhook applies no restrictions on what you can put in there. Wanna embed a YouTube video in an iframe? Sure thing!

I use this to create HTML versions of the wiki and of my essays that I can publish.


bhook requires ruby. If you are on OSX or Linux, it is likely to already be installed.

To install bhook run:

$ gem install bhook


Getting help:

$ bhook --help
Bhook version 0.3.0
Usage: bhook --source /source/path --output /output/path
    -s, --source=SOURCE              Path to version controlled directory containing source md files
    -o, --output=OUTPUT              Path to directory where output files are to be generated
    -w, --watch                      Continuously watch the source directory for changes and generate output
    -v, --verbose                    Print detailed information about files as they are processed
    -t, --theme=PATH                 Path to directory containing theme files to use when generating html
        --generate-theme=PATH        Generate a baseline theme that you can then modify to your needs
        --benchmark                  Run a performance benchmark for the specified source
    -h, --help                       Prints this help

1-to-1 mode

➜  essays git:(main) ✗ bhook -s . -o /tmp/out -t /tmp/out/theme -w -v

Here's an example .bhook.yml config file for a source directory.

n-to-1 mode

This requires the destination directory to have a .bhook.yml config file set up that describes all the sources.

➜ git:(main) ✗ bhook -w -v

Here's an example .bhook.yml config file for a destination directory with multiple source directories.


  1. git clone --recursive
  2. After checking out the repo, run bundle install to install dependencies.
  3. Then, run bundle exec rake to run the specs and sorbet typechecking.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on Gitlab at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.