Class: Aws::Mgn::Client
- Inherits:
- Object
- Seahorse::Client::Base
- Aws::Mgn::Client
- Includes:
- ClientStubs
- Defined in:
- lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb
An API client for Mgn. To construct a client, you need to configure a ‘:region` and `:credentials`.
client =
region: region_name,
credentials: credentials,
# ...
For details on configuring region and credentials see the [developer guide](/sdk-for-ruby/v3/developer-guide/setup-config.html).
See #initialize for a full list of supported configuration options.
Class Attribute Summary collapse
- .identifier ⇒ Object readonly private
API Operations collapse
#archive_application(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Application
Archive application.
#archive_wave(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Wave
Archive wave.
#associate_applications(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Associate applications to wave.
#associate_source_servers(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Associate source servers to application.
#change_server_life_cycle_state(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Allows the user to set the SourceServer.LifeCycle.state property for specific Source Server IDs to one of the following: READY_FOR_TEST or READY_FOR_CUTOVER.
#create_application(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Application
Create application.
#create_connector(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Connector
Create Connector.
#create_launch_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Types::LaunchConfigurationTemplate
Creates a new Launch Configuration Template.
#create_replication_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ReplicationConfigurationTemplate
Creates a new ReplicationConfigurationTemplate.
#create_wave(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Wave
Create wave.
#delete_application(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Delete application.
#delete_connector(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Delete Connector.
#delete_job(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a single Job by ID.
#delete_launch_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a single Launch Configuration Template by ID.
#delete_replication_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a single Replication Configuration Template by ID.
#delete_source_server(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a single source server by ID.
#delete_vcenter_client(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a given vCenter client by ID.
#delete_wave(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Delete wave.
#describe_job_log_items(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeJobLogItemsResponse
Retrieves detailed job log items with paging.
#describe_jobs(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeJobsResponse
Returns a list of Jobs.
#describe_launch_configuration_templates(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeLaunchConfigurationTemplatesResponse
Lists all Launch Configuration Templates, filtered by Launch Configuration Template IDs.
#describe_replication_configuration_templates(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeReplicationConfigurationTemplatesResponse
Lists all ReplicationConfigurationTemplates, filtered by Source Server IDs.
#describe_source_servers(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeSourceServersResponse
Retrieves all SourceServers or multiple SourceServers by ID.
#describe_vcenter_clients(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeVcenterClientsResponse
Returns a list of the installed vCenter clients.
#disassociate_applications(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Disassociate applications from wave.
#disassociate_source_servers(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Disassociate source servers from application.
#disconnect_from_service(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Disconnects specific Source Servers from Application Migration Service.
#finalize_cutover(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Finalizes the cutover immediately for specific Source Servers.
#get_launch_configuration(params = {}) ⇒ Types::LaunchConfiguration
Lists all LaunchConfigurations available, filtered by Source Server IDs.
#get_replication_configuration(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ReplicationConfiguration
Lists all ReplicationConfigurations, filtered by Source Server ID.
#initialize_service(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Initialize Application Migration Service.
#list_applications(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListApplicationsResponse
Retrieves all applications or multiple applications by ID.
#list_connectors(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListConnectorsResponse
List Connectors.
#list_export_errors(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListExportErrorsResponse
List export errors.
#list_exports(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListExportsResponse
List exports.
#list_import_errors(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListImportErrorsResponse
List import errors.
#list_imports(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListImportsResponse
List imports.
#list_managed_accounts(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListManagedAccountsResponse
List Managed Accounts.
#list_source_server_actions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListSourceServerActionsResponse
List source server post migration custom actions.
#list_tags_for_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTagsForResourceResponse
List all tags for your Application Migration Service resources.
#list_template_actions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTemplateActionsResponse
List template post migration custom actions.
#list_waves(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListWavesResponse
Retrieves all waves or multiple waves by ID.
#mark_as_archived(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Archives specific Source Servers by setting the SourceServer.isArchived property to true for specified SourceServers by ID.
#pause_replication(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Pause Replication.
#put_source_server_action(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServerActionDocument
Put source server post migration custom action.
#put_template_action(params = {}) ⇒ Types::TemplateActionDocument
Put template post migration custom action.
#remove_source_server_action(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Remove source server post migration custom action.
#remove_template_action(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Remove template post migration custom action.
#resume_replication(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Resume Replication.
#retry_data_replication(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Causes the data replication initiation sequence to begin immediately upon next Handshake for specified SourceServer IDs, regardless of when the previous initiation started.
#start_cutover(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StartCutoverResponse
Launches a Cutover Instance for specific Source Servers.
#start_export(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StartExportResponse
Start export.
#start_import(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StartImportResponse
Start import.
#start_replication(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Starts replication for SNAPSHOT_SHIPPING agents.
#start_test(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StartTestResponse
Launches a Test Instance for specific Source Servers.
#stop_replication(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Stop Replication.
#tag_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Adds or overwrites only the specified tags for the specified Application Migration Service resource or resources.
#terminate_target_instances(params = {}) ⇒ Types::TerminateTargetInstancesResponse
Starts a job that terminates specific launched EC2 Test and Cutover instances.
#unarchive_application(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Application
Unarchive application.
#unarchive_wave(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Wave
Unarchive wave.
#untag_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes the specified set of tags from the specified set of Application Migration Service resources.
#update_application(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Application
Update application.
#update_connector(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Connector
Update Connector.
#update_launch_configuration(params = {}) ⇒ Types::LaunchConfiguration
Updates multiple LaunchConfigurations by Source Server ID.
#update_launch_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Types::LaunchConfigurationTemplate
Updates an existing Launch Configuration Template by ID.
#update_replication_configuration(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ReplicationConfiguration
Allows you to update multiple ReplicationConfigurations by Source Server ID.
#update_replication_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ReplicationConfigurationTemplate
Updates multiple ReplicationConfigurationTemplates by ID.
#update_source_server(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Update Source Server.
#update_source_server_replication_type(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Allows you to change between the AGENT_BASED replication type and the SNAPSHOT_SHIPPING replication type.
#update_wave(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Wave
Update wave.
Class Method Summary collapse
- .errors_module ⇒ Object private
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #build_request(operation_name, params = {}) ⇒ Object private
#initialize(options) ⇒ Client
A new instance of Client.
- #waiter_names ⇒ Object deprecated private Deprecated.
Constructor Details
#initialize(options) ⇒ Client
Returns a new instance of Client.
434 435 436 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 434 def initialize(*args) super end |
Class Attribute Details
.identifier ⇒ Object (readonly)
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
5312 5313 5314 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 5312 def identifier @identifier end |
Class Method Details
.errors_module ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
5315 5316 5317 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 5315 def errors_module Errors end |
Instance Method Details
#archive_application(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Application
Archive application.
489 490 491 492 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 489 def archive_application(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:archive_application, params) req.send_request() end |
#archive_wave(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Wave
Archive wave.
542 543 544 545 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 542 def archive_wave(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:archive_wave, params) req.send_request() end |
#associate_applications(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Associate applications to wave.
572 573 574 575 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 572 def associate_applications(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:associate_applications, params) req.send_request() end |
#associate_source_servers(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Associate source servers to application.
602 603 604 605 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 602 def associate_source_servers(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:associate_source_servers, params) req.send_request() end |
#build_request(operation_name, params = {}) ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
5285 5286 5287 5288 5289 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5298 5299 5300 5301 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 5285 def build_request(operation_name, params = {}) handlers = @handlers.for(operation_name) tracer = config.telemetry_provider.tracer_provider.tracer( Aws::Telemetry.module_to_tracer_name('Aws::Mgn') ) context = operation_name: operation_name, operation: config.api.operation(operation_name), client: self, params: params, config: config, tracer: tracer ) context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-mgn' context[:gem_version] = '1.37.0', context) end |
#change_server_life_cycle_state(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Allows the user to set the SourceServer.LifeCycle.state property for specific Source Server IDs to one of the following: READY_FOR_TEST or READY_FOR_CUTOVER. This command only works if the Source Server is already launchable (dataReplicationInfo.lagDuration is not null.)
721 722 723 724 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 721 def change_server_life_cycle_state(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:change_server_life_cycle_state, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_application(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Application
Create application.
785 786 787 788 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 785 def create_application(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_application, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_connector(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Connector
Create Connector.
846 847 848 849 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 846 def create_connector(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_connector, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_launch_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Types::LaunchConfigurationTemplate
Creates a new Launch Configuration Template.
1016 1017 1018 1019 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1016 def create_launch_configuration_template(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_launch_configuration_template, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_replication_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ReplicationConfigurationTemplate
Creates a new ReplicationConfigurationTemplate.
1147 1148 1149 1150 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1147 def create_replication_configuration_template(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_replication_configuration_template, params) req.send_request() end |
#create_wave(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Wave
Create wave.
1210 1211 1212 1213 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1210 def create_wave(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:create_wave, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_application(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Delete application.
1236 1237 1238 1239 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1236 def delete_application(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_application, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_connector(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Delete Connector.
1258 1259 1260 1261 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1258 def delete_connector(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_connector, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_job(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a single Job by ID.
1284 1285 1286 1287 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1284 def delete_job(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_job, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_launch_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a single Launch Configuration Template by ID.
1306 1307 1308 1309 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1306 def delete_launch_configuration_template(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_launch_configuration_template, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_replication_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a single Replication Configuration Template by ID
1329 1330 1331 1332 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1329 def delete_replication_configuration_template(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_replication_configuration_template, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_source_server(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a single source server by ID.
1355 1356 1357 1358 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1355 def delete_source_server(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_source_server, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_vcenter_client(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes a given vCenter client by ID.
1377 1378 1379 1380 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1377 def delete_vcenter_client(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_vcenter_client, params) req.send_request() end |
#delete_wave(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Delete wave.
1403 1404 1405 1406 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1403 def delete_wave(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:delete_wave, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_job_log_items(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeJobLogItemsResponse
Retrieves detailed job log items with paging.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
1453 1454 1455 1456 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1453 def describe_job_log_items(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_job_log_items, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_jobs(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeJobsResponse
Returns a list of Jobs. Use the JobsID and fromDate and toData filters to limit which jobs are returned. The response is sorted by creationDataTime - latest date first. Jobs are normally created by the StartTest, StartCutover, and TerminateTargetInstances APIs. Jobs are also created by DiagnosticLaunch and TerminateDiagnosticInstances, which are APIs available only to Support and only used in response to relevant support tickets.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
1536 1537 1538 1539 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1536 def describe_jobs(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_jobs, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_launch_configuration_templates(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeLaunchConfigurationTemplatesResponse
Lists all Launch Configuration Templates, filtered by Launch Configuration Template IDs
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
1616 1617 1618 1619 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1616 def describe_launch_configuration_templates(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_launch_configuration_templates, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_replication_configuration_templates(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeReplicationConfigurationTemplatesResponse
Lists all ReplicationConfigurationTemplates, filtered by Source Server IDs.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
1677 1678 1679 1680 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1677 def describe_replication_configuration_templates(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_replication_configuration_templates, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_source_servers(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeSourceServersResponse
Retrieves all SourceServers or multiple SourceServers by ID.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
1792 1793 1794 1795 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1792 def describe_source_servers(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_source_servers, params) req.send_request() end |
#describe_vcenter_clients(params = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeVcenterClientsResponse
Returns a list of the installed vCenter clients.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
1838 1839 1840 1841 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1838 def describe_vcenter_clients(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:describe_vcenter_clients, params) req.send_request() end |
#disassociate_applications(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Disassociate applications from wave.
1868 1869 1870 1871 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1868 def disassociate_applications(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:disassociate_applications, params) req.send_request() end |
#disassociate_source_servers(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Disassociate source servers from application.
1898 1899 1900 1901 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 1898 def disassociate_source_servers(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:disassociate_source_servers, params) req.send_request() end |
#disconnect_from_service(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Disconnects specific Source Servers from Application Migration Service. Data replication is stopped immediately. All AWS resources created by Application Migration Service for enabling the replication of these source servers will be terminated / deleted within 90 minutes. Launched Test or Cutover instances will NOT be terminated. If the agent on the source server has not been prevented from communicating with the Application Migration Service service, then it will receive a command to uninstall itself (within approximately 10 minutes). The following properties of the SourceServer will be changed immediately: dataReplicationInfo.dataReplicationState will be set to DISCONNECTED; The totalStorageBytes property for each of dataReplicationInfo.replicatedDisks will be set to zero; dataReplicationInfo.lagDuration and dataReplicationInfo.lagDuration will be nullified.
2020 2021 2022 2023 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2020 def disconnect_from_service(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:disconnect_from_service, params) req.send_request() end |
#finalize_cutover(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Finalizes the cutover immediately for specific Source Servers. All AWS resources created by Application Migration Service for enabling the replication of these source servers will be terminated / deleted within 90 minutes. Launched Test or Cutover instances will NOT be terminated. The AWS Replication Agent will receive a command to uninstall itself (within 10 minutes). The following properties of the SourceServer will be changed immediately: dataReplicationInfo.dataReplicationState will be changed to DISCONNECTED; The SourceServer.lifeCycle.state will be changed to CUTOVER; The totalStorageBytes property fo each of dataReplicationInfo.replicatedDisks will be set to zero; dataReplicationInfo.lagDuration and dataReplicationInfo.lagDuration will be nullified.
2141 2142 2143 2144 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2141 def finalize_cutover(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:finalize_cutover, params) req.send_request() end |
#get_launch_configuration(params = {}) ⇒ Types::LaunchConfiguration
Lists all LaunchConfigurations available, filtered by Source Server IDs.
2210 2211 2212 2213 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2210 def get_launch_configuration(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:get_launch_configuration, params) req.send_request() end |
#get_replication_configuration(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ReplicationConfiguration
Lists all ReplicationConfigurations, filtered by Source Server ID.
2279 2280 2281 2282 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2279 def get_replication_configuration(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:get_replication_configuration, params) req.send_request() end |
#initialize_service(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Initialize Application Migration Service.
2292 2293 2294 2295 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2292 def initialize_service(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:initialize_service, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_applications(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListApplicationsResponse
Retrieves all applications or multiple applications by ID.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2354 2355 2356 2357 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2354 def list_applications(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_applications, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_connectors(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListConnectorsResponse
List Connectors.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2406 2407 2408 2409 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2406 def list_connectors(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_connectors, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_export_errors(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListExportErrorsResponse
List export errors.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2448 2449 2450 2451 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2448 def list_export_errors(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_export_errors, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_exports(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListExportsResponse
List exports.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2501 2502 2503 2504 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2501 def list_exports(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_exports, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_import_errors(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListImportErrorsResponse
List import errors.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2550 2551 2552 2553 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2550 def list_import_errors(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_import_errors, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_imports(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListImportsResponse
List imports.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2606 2607 2608 2609 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2606 def list_imports(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_imports, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_managed_accounts(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListManagedAccountsResponse
List Managed Accounts.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2643 2644 2645 2646 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2643 def list_managed_accounts(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_managed_accounts, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_source_server_actions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListSourceServerActionsResponse
List source server post migration custom actions.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2713 2714 2715 2716 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2713 def list_source_server_actions(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_source_server_actions, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_tags_for_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTagsForResourceResponse
List all tags for your Application Migration Service resources.
2742 2743 2744 2745 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2742 def (params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_tags_for_resource, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_template_actions(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTemplateActionsResponse
List template post migration custom actions.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2806 2807 2808 2809 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2806 def list_template_actions(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_template_actions, params) req.send_request() end |
#list_waves(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ListWavesResponse
Retrieves all waves or multiple waves by ID.
The returned response is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see PageableResponse.
2867 2868 2869 2870 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2867 def list_waves(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:list_waves, params) req.send_request() end |
#mark_as_archived(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Archives specific Source Servers by setting the SourceServer.isArchived property to true for specified SourceServers by ID. This command only works for SourceServers with a lifecycle. state which equals DISCONNECTED or CUTOVER.
2979 2980 2981 2982 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 2979 def mark_as_archived(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:mark_as_archived, params) req.send_request() end |
#pause_replication(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Pause Replication.
3088 3089 3090 3091 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3088 def pause_replication(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:pause_replication, params) req.send_request() end |
#put_source_server_action(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServerActionDocument
Put source server post migration custom action.
3205 3206 3207 3208 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3205 def put_source_server_action(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:put_source_server_action, params) req.send_request() end |
#put_template_action(params = {}) ⇒ Types::TemplateActionDocument
Put template post migration custom action.
3325 3326 3327 3328 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3325 def put_template_action(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:put_template_action, params) req.send_request() end |
#remove_source_server_action(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Remove source server post migration custom action.
3355 3356 3357 3358 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3355 def remove_source_server_action(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:remove_source_server_action, params) req.send_request() end |
#remove_template_action(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Remove template post migration custom action.
3382 3383 3384 3385 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3382 def remove_template_action(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:remove_template_action, params) req.send_request() end |
#resume_replication(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Resume Replication.
3491 3492 3493 3494 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3491 def resume_replication(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:resume_replication, params) req.send_request() end |
#retry_data_replication(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Causes the data replication initiation sequence to begin immediately upon next Handshake for specified SourceServer IDs, regardless of when the previous initiation started. This command will not work if the SourceServer is not stalled or is in a DISCONNECTED or STOPPED state.
3603 3604 3605 3606 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3603 def retry_data_replication(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:retry_data_replication, params) req.send_request() end |
#start_cutover(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StartCutoverResponse
Launches a Cutover Instance for specific Source Servers. This command starts a LAUNCH job whose initiatedBy property is StartCutover and changes the SourceServer.lifeCycle.state property to CUTTING_OVER.
3671 3672 3673 3674 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3671 def start_cutover(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:start_cutover, params) req.send_request() end |
#start_export(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StartExportResponse
Start export.
3717 3718 3719 3720 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3717 def start_export(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:start_export, params) req.send_request() end |
#start_import(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StartImportResponse
Start import.
3769 3770 3771 3772 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3769 def start_import(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:start_import, params) req.send_request() end |
#start_replication(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Starts replication for SNAPSHOT_SHIPPING agents.
3878 3879 3880 3881 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3878 def start_replication(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:start_replication, params) req.send_request() end |
#start_test(params = {}) ⇒ Types::StartTestResponse
Launches a Test Instance for specific Source Servers. This command starts a LAUNCH job whose initiatedBy property is StartTest and changes the SourceServer.lifeCycle.state property to TESTING.
3946 3947 3948 3949 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 3946 def start_test(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:start_test, params) req.send_request() end |
#stop_replication(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Stop Replication.
4055 4056 4057 4058 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4055 def stop_replication(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:stop_replication, params) req.send_request() end |
#tag_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Adds or overwrites only the specified tags for the specified Application Migration Service resource or resources. When you specify an existing tag key, the value is overwritten with the new value. Each resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. Each tag consists of a key and optional value.
4087 4088 4089 4090 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4087 def tag_resource(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:tag_resource, params) req.send_request() end |
#terminate_target_instances(params = {}) ⇒ Types::TerminateTargetInstancesResponse
Starts a job that terminates specific launched EC2 Test and Cutover instances. This command will not work for any Source Server with a lifecycle.state of TESTING, CUTTING_OVER, or CUTOVER.
4155 4156 4157 4158 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4155 def terminate_target_instances(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:terminate_target_instances, params) req.send_request() end |
#unarchive_application(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Application
Unarchive application.
4209 4210 4211 4212 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4209 def unarchive_application(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:unarchive_application, params) req.send_request() end |
#unarchive_wave(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Wave
Unarchive wave.
4262 4263 4264 4265 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4262 def unarchive_wave(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:unarchive_wave, params) req.send_request() end |
#untag_resource(params = {}) ⇒ Struct
Deletes the specified set of tags from the specified set of Application Migration Service resources.
4289 4290 4291 4292 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4289 def untag_resource(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:untag_resource, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_application(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Application
Update application.
4351 4352 4353 4354 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4351 def update_application(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_application, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_connector(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Connector
Update Connector.
4406 4407 4408 4409 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4406 def update_connector(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_connector, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_launch_configuration(params = {}) ⇒ Types::LaunchConfiguration
Updates multiple LaunchConfigurations by Source Server ID.
<note markdown=“1”> bootMode valid values are ‘LEGACY_BIOS | UEFI`
4546 4547 4548 4549 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4546 def update_launch_configuration(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_launch_configuration, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_launch_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Types::LaunchConfigurationTemplate
Updates an existing Launch Configuration Template by ID.
4713 4714 4715 4716 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4713 def update_launch_configuration_template(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_launch_configuration_template, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_replication_configuration(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ReplicationConfiguration
Allows you to update multiple ReplicationConfigurations by Source Server ID.
4858 4859 4860 4861 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4858 def update_replication_configuration(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_replication_configuration, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_replication_configuration_template(params = {}) ⇒ Types::ReplicationConfigurationTemplate
Updates multiple ReplicationConfigurationTemplates by ID.
4985 4986 4987 4988 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 4985 def update_replication_configuration_template(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_replication_configuration_template, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_source_server(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Update Source Server.
5101 5102 5103 5104 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 5101 def update_source_server(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_source_server, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_source_server_replication_type(params = {}) ⇒ Types::SourceServer
Allows you to change between the AGENT_BASED replication type and the SNAPSHOT_SHIPPING replication type.
5215 5216 5217 5218 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 5215 def update_source_server_replication_type(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_source_server_replication_type, params) req.send_request() end |
#update_wave(params = {}) ⇒ Types::Wave
Update wave.
5276 5277 5278 5279 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 5276 def update_wave(params = {}, = {}) req = build_request(:update_wave, params) req.send_request() end |
#waiter_names ⇒ Object
This method is part of a private API. You should avoid using this method if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
5305 5306 5307 |
# File 'lib/aws-sdk-mgn/client.rb', line 5305 def waiter_names [] end |