Module: Aws::DefaultsModeConfiguration

Defined in:


A defaults mode determines how certain default configuration options are resolved in the SDK.

Note: For any mode other than ‘’legacy’‘ the vended default values might change as best practices may evolve. As a result, it is encouraged to perform testing when upgrading the SDK if you are using a mode other than `’legacy’‘. While the `’legacy’‘ defaults mode is specific to Ruby, other modes are standardized across all of the AWS SDKs.

The defaults mode can be configured:

* Directly on a client via `:defaults_mode`

* On a configuration profile via the "defaults_mode" profile file property.

* Globally via the "AWS_DEFAULTS_MODE" environment variable.

#defaults START - documentation The following ‘:default_mode` values are supported:

  • ‘’standard’‘ - The STANDARD mode provides the latest recommended default values that should be safe to run in most scenarios

    Note that the default values vended from this mode might change as best practices may evolve. As a result, it is encouraged to perform tests when upgrading the SDK

  • ‘’in-region’‘ - The IN_REGION mode builds on the standard mode and includes optimization tailored for applications which call AWS services from within the same AWS region

    Note that the default values vended from this mode might change as best practices may evolve. As a result, it is encouraged to perform tests when upgrading the SDK

  • ‘’cross-region’‘ - The CROSS_REGION mode builds on the standard mode and includes optimization tailored for applications which call AWS services in a different region

    Note that the default values vended from this mode might change as best practices may evolve. As a result, it is encouraged to perform tests when upgrading the SDK

  • ‘’mobile’‘ - The MOBILE mode builds on the standard mode and includes optimization tailored for mobile applications

    Note that the default values vended from this mode might change as best practices may evolve. As a result, it is encouraged to perform tests when upgrading the SDK

  • ‘’auto’‘ - The AUTO mode is an experimental mode that builds on the standard mode. The SDK will attempt to discover the execution environment to determine the appropriate settings automatically.

    Note that the auto detection is heuristics-based and does not guarantee 100% accuracy. STANDARD mode will be used if the execution environment cannot be determined. The auto detection might query [EC2 Instance Metadata service], which might introduce latency. Therefore we recommend choosing an explicit defaults_mode instead if startup latency is critical to your application

  • ‘’legacy’‘ - The LEGACY mode provides default settings that vary per SDK and were used prior to establishment of defaults_mode

Based on the provided mode, the SDK will vend sensible default values tailored to the mode for the following settings:

  • ‘:retry_mode` - A retry mode specifies how the SDK attempts retries. See [Retry Mode]

  • ‘:sts_regional_endpoints` - Specifies how the SDK determines the AWS service endpoint that it uses to talk to the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS). See

    Setting STS Regional endpoints][3
  • ‘:s3_us_east_1_regional_endpoint` - Specifies how the SDK determines the AWS service endpoint that it uses to talk to the Amazon S3 for the us-east-1 region

  • ‘:http_open_timeout` - The amount of time after making an initial connection attempt on a socket, where if the client does not receive a completion of the connect handshake, the client gives up and fails the operation

  • ‘:ssl_timeout` - The maximum amount of time that a TLS handshake is allowed to take from the time the CLIENT HELLO message is sent to ethe time the client and server have fully negotiated ciphers and exchanged keys

All options above can be configured by users, and the overridden value will take precedence.

[1]: [2]: [3]:

#defaults END - documentation

Constant Summary collapse


This constant is part of a private API. You should avoid using this constant if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

#defaults START - configuration

  "version" => 1,
  "base" => {
    "retryMode" => "standard",
    "stsRegionalEndpoints" => "regional",
    "s3UsEast1RegionalEndpoints" => "regional",
    "connectTimeoutInMillis" => 1100,
    "tlsNegotiationTimeoutInMillis" => 1100
  "modes" => {
    "standard" => {
      "connectTimeoutInMillis" => {
        "override" => 3100
      "tlsNegotiationTimeoutInMillis" => {
        "override" => 3100
    "in-region" => {
    "cross-region" => {
      "connectTimeoutInMillis" => {
        "override" => 3100
      "tlsNegotiationTimeoutInMillis" => {
        "override" => 3100
    "mobile" => {
      "connectTimeoutInMillis" => {
        "override" => 30000
      "tlsNegotiationTimeoutInMillis" => {
        "override" => 30000