
Building a chatbot with AWS Lex is really fun! Unfortunately implementing your bot's behaviour with the Lex/Lambda event protocol is less fun.

But don't worry - we've done the hard work for you!

Aws::Lex::Conversation makes it simple to build dynamic, conversational chatbots with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda!


gem 'aws-lex-conversation'

And then execute:

bundle install

Please Note: This library currently supports AWS Lex Version 2. If you're looking for Lex V1 support, lock aws-lex-conversation to ~> 3.0 in your Gemfile.

Core Concepts

The Conversation Instance

Instances of Aws::Lex::Conversation wrap the Lex input/output event format and make it easy to manage conversation dialog.

Imagine you have a ButlerBot configured with a ServeBreakfast intent and BreakfastFood slot.

The backing lambda handler for your bot might look something like:

require "aws-lex-conversation"

def lambda_handler(event:, context:)
  # The conversation instance validates and wraps the Lex input event
  conversation = event, context: context)

  # Return a Close dialog action to our Lex bot and end the conversation
    fulfillment_state: "Fulfilled",
    messages: [
      # We can construct response messages using wrapper classes.
        content: "Hi - I'm a 🤖!"
      # Or we can pass a Hash that directly maps to the Lex response format
        content: "Your intent is: #{conversation.intent_name}",
        contentType: "PlainText"
        content: "Here's your #{conversation.slots[:BreakfastFood].value}!",
        contentType: "PlainText"

This lambda handler would generate the following dialog:

ButlerBot Dialog

All data from the Lex input event is exposed via the lex attribute. By convention, the lex attribute directly translates input event attributes from camelCase to snake_case.

We also provide some helpers to help manage the conversation. For example:

# returns true if the lambda function was invoked as a DialogCodeHook

# returns true if the InputMode is Speech

# you can easily set or retrieve a session values
conversation.session[:name] = "Jane"
conversation.session[:name] # => "Jane"

# dealing with slot data is simple
conversation.slots[:BreakfastFood].filled? # returns true if a slot value is present
conversation.slots[:Hometown].blank?       # returns true if a slot value is nil/empty
conversation.slots[:FirstName].value       # => "John"

The Handler Chain

Conversational dialog gets complex quickly! Conversation instances include a handler chain that can help manage this complexity.

Each handler in the chain defines the prerequisites necessary for the handler to generate a response.

You can configure the handler chain as follows:

def lambda_handler(event:, context:)
  conversation = event, context: context)

  conversation.handlers = [
    # You need to define custom handler classes yourself
    { handler: ServeBreakfast },
    { handler: FallbackIntent },
    # We offer a few "built in" handlers
      handler: Aws::Lex::Conversation::Handler::Delegate,
      options: {
        # If we get this far, always return a Delegate action
        respond_on: ->(_) { true }

  # The respond method will execute each handler sequentially and return a Lex response

Writing Your Own Handler

Generally, custom behaviour in your flow is achieved by defining your own handler class. Handler classes must:

  1. Inherit from Aws::Lex::Conversation::Handler::Base.
  2. Define a will_respond?(conversation) method that returns a boolean value.
  3. Define a response(conversation) method to return final response to Lex. This method is called if will_respond? returns true.

Handlers in the chain are invoked sequentially in the order defined.

The first handler in the chain that returns true for the will_respond? method will provide the final Lex response action.

Here's an example for the ServeBreakfast and FallbackIntent handlers above:

class ServeBreakfast < Aws::Lex::Conversation::Handler::Base
  def will_respond?(conversation)
    conversation.intent_name == "ServeBreakfast" &&   

  def response(conversation)
    food = conversation.slots[:BreakfastFood].value
    emoji = food == "waffle" ? "🧇" : "🥓"

      fulfillment_state: "Fulfilled",
      messages: [
          content: "Here's your #{emoji}!",
          contentType: "PlainText"

class FallbackIntent < Aws::Lex::Conversation::Handler::Base
  def will_respond?(conversation)
    conversation.intent_name == "FallbackIntent"

  def response(conversation)
      fulfillment_state: 'Failed',
      messages: [
          content: "Sorry - I'm not sure what you said!",
          contentType: "PlainText"

Built-In Handlers


This handler simply returns a close response with a message that matches the inputTranscript property of the input event.

Option Required Description Default Value
respond_on No A callable that provides the condition for will_handle?. ->(c) { false }
fulfillment_state No The fulfillmentState value (i.e. Fulfilled or Failed). Fulfilled
content_type No The contentType for the message response. PlainText
content No The response message content. conversation.lex.input_transcript


conversation = event, context: context)
conversation.handlers = [
    handler: Aws::Lex::Conversation::Handler::Echo,
    options: {
      respond_on: ->(c) { true },
      fulfillment_state: 'Failed',
      content_type: 'SSML',
      content: '<speak>Sorry<break> an error occurred.</speak>'
conversation.respond # => { dialogAction: { type: 'Close' } ... }


This handler returns a Delegate response to the Lex bot (i.e. "do the next bot action").

Option Required Description Default Value
respond_on No A callable that provides the condition for will_handle?. ->(c) { false }


conversation = event, context: context)
conversation.handlers = [
    handler: Aws::Lex::Conversation::Handler::Delegate,
    options: {
      respond_on: ->(c) { true }
conversation.respond # => { dialogAction: { type: 'Delegate' } }


This handler will set all slot values equal to their top resolution in the input event. The handler then calls the next handler in the chain for a response.

NOTE: This handler must not be the final handler in the chain. An exception of type Aws::Lex::Conversation::Exception::MissingHandler will be raised if there is no successor handler.

Option Required Description Default Value
respond_on No A callable that provides the condition for will_handle?. ->(c) { true }


conversation = event, context: context)
conversation.handlers = [
    handler: Aws::Lex::Conversation::Handler::SlotResolution
    handler: Aws::Lex::Conversation::Handler::Delegate,
    options: {
      respond_on: ->(c) { true }
conversation.respond # => { dialogAction: { type: 'Delegate' } }

Advanced Concepts

This library provides a few constructs to help manage complex interactions:

Data Stash

Aws::Lex::Conversation instances implement a stash method that can be used to store temporary data within a single invocation.

A conversation's stashed data will not be persisted between multiple invocations of your lambda function.

The conversation stash is a great spot to store deserialized data from the session, or invocation-specific state that needs to be shared between handler classes.

This example illustrates how the stash can be used to store deserialized data from the session:

# given we have JSON-serialized data in as a persisted session value
conversation.session[:user_data] = '{"name":"Jane","id":1234,"email":""}'
# we can deserialize the data into a Hash that we store in the conversation stash
conversation.stash[:user] = JSON.parse(conversation.session[:user_data])
# later on we can reference our stashed data (within the same invocation)
conversation.stash[:user] # => {"name"=>"Jane", "id"=>1234, "email"=>""}


A conversation may transition between many different topics as the interaction progresses. This type of state transition can be easily handled with checkpoints.

When a checkpoint is created, all intent and slot data is encoded and stored into a checkpoints session value. This data persists between invocations, and is not removed until the checkpoint is restored.

You can create a checkpoint as follows:

# we're ready to fulfill the OrderFlowers intent, but we want to elicit another intent first
  label: 'order_flowers',
  dialog_action_type: 'Close' # defaults to 'Delegate' if not specified
  messages: [
      content: 'Thanks! Before I place your order, is there anything else I can help with?',
      contentType: 'PlainText'

You can restore the checkpoint in one of two ways:

# in a future invocation, we can fetch an instance of the checkpoint and easily
# restore the conversation to the previous state
checkpoint = conversation.checkpoint(label: 'order_flowers')
  fulfillment_state: 'Fulfilled',
  messages: [
      content: 'Okay, your flowers have been ordered! Thanks!',
      contentType: 'PlainText'
) # => our response object to Lex is returned

It's also possible to restore state from a checkpoint and utilize the conversation's handler chain:

class AnotherIntent < Aws::Lex::Conversation::Handler::Base
  def will_respond?(conversation)
    conversation.intent_name == 'AnotherIntent' &&
    conversation.checkpoint?(label: 'order_flowers')

  def response(conversation)
    checkpoint = conversation.checkpoint(label: 'order_flowers')
    # replace the conversation's current resolved intent/slot data with the saved checkpoint data
    # call the next handler in the chain to produce a response

class OrderFlowers < Aws::Lex::Conversation::Handler::Base
  def will_respond?(conversation)
    conversation.intent_name == 'OrderFlowers'

  def response(conversation)
      fulfillment_state: 'Fulfilled',
      messages: [
          content: 'Okay, your flowers have been ordered! Thanks!',
          contentType: 'PlainText'

conversation = event, context: context)
conversation.handlers = [
  { handler: AnotherIntent },
  { handler: OrderFlowers }
conversation.respond # => returns a Lex response object

Test Helpers

This library provides convenience methods to make testing easy! You can use the test helpers as follows:

# we must explicitly require the test helpers
require 'aws/lex/conversation/spec'

# optional: include the custom matchers if you're using RSpec
RSpec.configure do |config|

# we can now simulate state in a test somewhere
it 'simulates a conversation' do
  conversation                      # given we have an instance of Aws::Lex::Conversation
    .simulate!                      # simulation modifies the underlying instance
    .transcript('My age is 21')     # optionally set an input transcript
    .intent(name: 'MyCoolIntent')   # route to the intent named "MyCoolIntent"
    .slot(name: 'Age', value: '21') # add a slot named "Age" with a corresponding value

  expect(conversation).to have_transcript('My age is 21')
  expect(conversation).to route_to_intent('MyCoolIntent')
  expect(conversation).to have_slot(name: 'Age', value: '21')

# if you'd rather create your own event from scratch
it 'creates an event' do
  simulator =
    .transcript('I am 21 years old.')
    .context(name: 'WelcomeGreetingCompleted')
    .session(username: 'jane.doe')
      name: 'GuessZodiacSign',
      state: 'ReadyForFulfillment',
      slots: {
        age: {
          value: '21'
  event = simulator.event

  expect(event).to have_transcript('I am 21 years old.')
  expect(event).to have_input_mode('Speech')
  expect(event).to have_active_context(name: 'WelcomeGreetingCompleted')
  expect(event).to have_invocation_source('FulfillmentCodeHook')
  expect(event).to route_to_intent('GuessZodiacSign')
  expect(event).to have_slot(name: 'age', value: '21')
  expect(event).to include_session_values(username: 'jane.doe')


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Aws::Lex::Conversation project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.