Class: ApplicationsClient

  • Object
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Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

#initialize(lockstepsdk) ⇒ ApplicationsClient

Initialize the ApplicationsClient class with a lockstepsdk instance.


  • lockstepsdk (LockstepApi)

    The Lockstep API client object for this connection

# File 'lib/lockstep_sdk/clients/applications.rb', line 24

def initialize(lockstepsdk)
    @lockstepsdk = lockstepsdk

Instance Method Details

#create_applications(body:) ⇒ Object

Creates one or more Applications and returns the records as created. Applications are universal and available across all accounts.

An Application represents a feature available to customers within the Lockstep Platform. You can create Applications by working with your Lockstep business development manager and publish them on the platform so that customers can browse and find your Application on the Lockstep Platform Marketplace. When a customer adds an Application to their account, they obtain an AppEnrollment which represents that customer's instance of this Application. The customer-specific AppEnrollment contains a customer's configuration data for the Application, which is not customer-specific.

See [Applications and Enrollments]( for more information.


  • body (ApplicationModel)

    The Applications to create

# File 'lib/lockstep_sdk/clients/applications.rb', line 73

def create_applications(body:)
    path = "/api/v1/Applications"
    @lockstepsdk.request(:post, path, body, nil)

#delete_application(id:) ⇒ Object

Deletes the Application referred to by this unique identifier. Information about this Application is retained but after the DELETE call, this Application is no longer available for use on the Lockstep Platform. An Application represents a feature available to customers within the Lockstep Platform. You can create Applications by working with your Lockstep business development manager and publish them on the platform so that customers can browse and find your Application on the Lockstep Platform Marketplace. When a customer adds an Application to their account, they obtain an AppEnrollment which represents that customer's instance of this Application. The customer-specific AppEnrollment contains a customer's configuration data for the Application, which is not customer-specific.

See [Applications and Enrollments]( for more information.


  • id (uuid)

    The unique ID number of the Application to delete

# File 'lib/lockstep_sdk/clients/applications.rb', line 61

def delete_application(id:)
    path = "/api/v1/Applications/#{id}"
    @lockstepsdk.request(:delete, path, nil, nil)

#query_applications(filter:, include_param:, order:, page_size:, page_number:) ⇒ Object

Queries Applications on the Lockstep Platform using the specified filtering, sorting, nested fetch, and pagination rules requested.

More information on querying can be found on the [Searchlight Query Language]( page on the Lockstep Developer website. An Application represents a feature available to customers within the Lockstep Platform. You can create Applications by working with your Lockstep business development manager and publish them on the platform so that customers can browse and find your Application on the Lockstep Platform Marketplace. When a customer adds an Application to their account, they obtain an AppEnrollment which represents that customer's instance of this Application. The customer-specific AppEnrollment contains a customer's configuration data for the Application, which is not customer-specific.

See [Applications and Enrollments]( for more information.


# File 'lib/lockstep_sdk/clients/applications.rb', line 89

def query_applications(filter:, include_param:, order:, page_size:, page_number:)
    path = "/api/v1/Applications/query"
    params = {:filter => filter, :include => include_param, :order => order, :pageSize => page_size, :pageNumber => page_number}
    @lockstepsdk.request(:get, path, nil, params)

#retrieve_application(id:, include_param:) ⇒ Object

Retrieves the Application with this identifier.

An Application represents a feature available to customers within the Lockstep Platform. You can create Applications by working with your Lockstep business development manager and publish them on the platform so that customers can browse and find your Application on the Lockstep Platform Marketplace. When a customer adds an Application to their account, they obtain an AppEnrollment which represents that customer's instance of this Application. The customer-specific AppEnrollment contains a customer's configuration data for the Application, which is not customer-specific.

See [Applications and Enrollments]( for more information.


  • id (uuid)

    The unique ID number of the Application to retrieve

  • include_param (string)

    To fetch additional data on this object, specify the list of elements to retrieve. Available collections: Notes, Attachments, CustomFields

# File 'lib/lockstep_sdk/clients/applications.rb', line 37

def retrieve_application(id:, include_param:)
    path = "/api/v1/Applications/#{id}"
    params = {:include => include_param}
    @lockstepsdk.request(:get, path, nil, params)

#update_application(id:, body:) ⇒ Object

Updates an existing Application with the information supplied to this PATCH call.

The PATCH method allows you to change specific values on the object while leaving other values alone. As input you should supply a list of field names and new values. For example, you can provide the field name “IsActive” and specify the new value “False”; this API will then change the value of IsActive to false. An Application represents a feature available to customers within the Lockstep Platform. You can create Applications by working with your Lockstep business development manager and publish them on the platform so that customers can browse and find your Application on the Lockstep Platform Marketplace. When a customer adds an Application to their account, they obtain an AppEnrollment which represents that customer's instance of this Application. The customer-specific AppEnrollment contains a customer's configuration data for the Application, which is not customer-specific.

See [Applications and Enrollments]( for more information.


  • id (uuid)

    The unique ID number of the Application to update

  • body (object)

    A list of changes to apply to this Application

# File 'lib/lockstep_sdk/clients/applications.rb', line 51

def update_application(id:, body:)
    path = "/api/v1/Applications/#{id}"
    @lockstepsdk.request(:patch, path, body.to_camelback_keys.to_json, nil)